We said goodbye to Bwindi National Forest and the stunning patchwork quilt of crops that covered the tall mountains. It is striking the incredible work ethic of the people of this region; continually working the narrow road to keep it safe for the many travelers and seeing the women in their brightly colored skirts with hoe in hand. Truly a senses overload.
When we finally hit the highway, of our long six hour trip, we lost count of the many speed bumps and had to laugh in disbelief of Kelsie Boyd’s resourcefulness of any little need we had in her bottomless backpack. Edgar, our driver, is a virtual encyclopedia of information and we are learning so much. We would surely lose in a game of trivia. I stand in amazement we have made it through three days of no WiFi and had some sweet real conversation.
Before reaching our destination for the night, at Leopard's Rest Camp at Lake Mburo National Park, we took part in a cattle drive, pounding the side of the van moving the huge long horn cows out of the way. Moses may have parted the Red Sea, but we parted a huge group of long horns! Is this Africa or the old west?! Our accommodations were amazing - huge tents with showers under the stars! Is this really roughing it?
We finished off our evening with a drive through a safari park and saw so many animals; zebras, giraffes and so much more except the elusive lion. Mburo Lake had some shy hippos that would peek at us from just above the waters surface.
God is sure taking us to unexpected places, exposing our innermost selves to each other, and taking us on a healing journey. Knowing God has hand selected this group makes it even more precious. Thank you Lord.