1st Annual #BetheLight
Virtual 3k or 6k
Walk or Run

#BETHELIGHT 6K "To the Well and Back"
Top Finishers
Congratulations to Sonya Clarke from Beaumont Hills, Australia, the overall winner with a time of 28:09, and all of the Top Finishers in the #BetheLight "To the Well and Back" 6K. Thank you to all who participated in our first annual virtual walk/run. 100% of the net proceeds will be applied to our #SewBright skills training program for widows and unemployed mothers and our educational programs for children.
Walk or Run Details
The #BetheLight 3k - 6k is a virtual event where our friends and supporters can walk or run in support of our empowerment programs for women and children in Uganda. 100% of the net proceeds will be applied to our #SewBright skills training program for widows and unemployed mothers and our educational programs for children.
Because the #BetheLight 3k/6k is a virtual event, you can choose:
When? – Anytime between May 30, 2020 and June 14, 2020
Where? In your home on a treadmill, in your neighborhood, anywhere you want!
Who? Alone, with family, or with your best running buddy on video chat. Be sure to maintain CDC recommended social distancing guidelines!
What? Fast, slow, walk or run, it’s up to you!
How far? You can even choose which distance:
“To the Well” 3k (1.86 miles)
“To the Well and Back” 6k (3.7 miles)
Six kilometers is the average distance that women and children walk in Africa each day to collect water for their families!! By joining to walk/run that distance, you can help support our programs specifically focused on empowering women and children.
How do I sign up?
You can REGISTER HERE and feel good knowing that 100% of the net proceeds from registration fees ($25 for adults or $15 for children, students and military) will be used to benefit empowerment programs for women and children.
What’s included?
Entry fee
Finisher's medal for all participants (Medals will be available for pickup locally at locations in NWA or mailed to those outside of the local area, don't forget to submit your finisher's information and we would love it if you would tag our Live in Light Ministries facebook page of a #BetheLight selfie post with your distance)
Winner recognition on social media for top 3 finishers in each age group (for those who want to submit their completion time and a race selfie)
Option to purchase the official race t-shirt for $10 (1/2 the normal price)!
Don't want to run, but still want to empower women and children in Uganda?
No problem! We have just the option for you! You can REGISTER HERE and choose an option for just a shirt at a cost of $20 + $3 shipping (if needed)
Join our facebook event page here:

Race Registration
Click below to Register!
Submit Results
Click below to submit your results!
Pricing Details
We used a lot of numbers above about pricing. If you still have questions, see below for a breakdown!
Race Participants
Entry Fee
Adults: $25 each
Students: $15 each
Official Race T-Shirt (optional)
$10 per shirt plus $3 shipping (if not picked up locally at locations in NWA)
Official Race T-Shirt Only
$20 per shirt plus $3 shipping (if not picked up locally at locations in NWA)

How will I get my medal and/or shirt?
Medals and t-shirts will be available available for pick-up locally in NWA (on weekends at certain times and locations to be provided in Pea Ridge, Rogers, Bentonville, Fayetteville/Springdale). If you live outside the local area, medals will be mailed to you and if you would like to add the optional t'shirt, just click on the option to add $3 for postage and we will be happy to send it to you. If you live within the local area and would like your medal mailed to you, please click on the option to add $3 for shipping cost.
When will my medal and/or shirt be available/sent?
Medals and t-shirts will be available for pick-up (on weekends at certain times and locations in NWA to be provided) or mailed within two week after the final date for posting completion dates and times for those wanting to compete for the top 3 places in each age category.
When can I complete my virtual 3k or 6k?
The official date for the #BETHELIGHT 3k or 6k is Sunday, June 7; however, you may complete and submit your completion information anytime between Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, June 14.
If you still have questions, please reach out to us at info@liveinlightministries.org